Welcome to Nathan's
Two for One
For generations, Nathan’s has been the brothel that all others aspire to be. Through periods of puritanical prohibition, the sexual revolution, and today’s more enlightened age, every working girl (and boy) aspires to ply her trade in an establishment like Nathan’s. The rooms are clean, the staff protective and all clients are screened by the talent themselves. Access to Nathan’s is a privilege and an invitation is a mark of status in some circles.
Daniel and Deborah have a quiet and happy marriage. Everything has gone according to their plan, bringing success, tranquility, and boredom to their relationship. An invitation to Nathan's may be exactly what they need to add a little adventure to their bedroom in the form of Jeanie, an experienced professional who intends to teach the couple what secret desires they have locked inside themselves.
All of this can be had at Nathan's and tonight it's "Two for One"